Solomon Haile is opening a school for the children in need in his town.
Can you help him?
"Previously there was an organization that supported these children but because of different challenges the organization closed the school and sent the kids home. When the founder of the kindergarten told me that they couldn’t continue the school we decided to help them, God willing. Unless we support these kids they won’t have a chance to go to school this year. Most of these children are forced to live on the streets without shelter, food, clothes, medical care, education, and most of all, for many of them, without the love and attention of parents and family. Those with parents do not have enough income to send them to school. Most of the family earn their income from selling fire woods, daily laborer, begging, or selling different kinds of small things on the street. In God's help we determined we would make a difference in the lives of as many children as possible." -Solomon Haile